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Eurovision song contest
00:03:33 May 17th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Norway have blown away all competition, recieving the highest number of points ever.

I really like Iceland, Azer and Turkeys songs though.

I don't think the UKs entry was that good, but we're in top 5, despite getting joint last, last time.

00:08:23 May 17th 09 - Sir Thomaas:

lol, after three times we have gotten 0 points... and thousends of times people have said we are the favo.... about time :P

I don't liked any songs in the Eurovision this year :P tons of boring songs and people that can't sing :P

00:12:47 May 17th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Norway finished with almost 100 points more than the previous record. Followed by Iceland, Azer, Turkey then UK coming in 5th.

Nobody got Nil Pwa this year :(

Scoreboard is as expected. Although Greece should of done better.

00:16:01 May 17th 09 - Mr. Bragi:

YAY!!! Iceland was second :D:D:D

00:17:40 May 17th 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

UK did well considering there was still political voting

00:34:42 May 17th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

yeah, finally something for Norway to be pride of:P

00:40:00 May 17th 09 - General Ptang Bang Kipperbang:

UK entry was toss. she couldnt even sing

01:08:49 May 17th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

but then again, very few can sing in the eurovision:P
i dont think Rybak sings that good either, he just gat a very catchy melodi=)

01:25:20 May 17th 09 - Prince Mielo:

Lady Loud Tone


00:03:33 May 17th 09 Norway have blown away all competition, recieving the highest number of points ever.

I really like Iceland, Azer and Turkeys songs though.

> You do realize she's Belgian (as she lives in our country, and turkey is just leasing her) :)

01:36:05 May 17th 09 - Sir Thomaas:

Mr. Overcome


02:08:49 May 17th 09 but then again, very few can sing in the eurovision:P
i dont think Rybak sings that good either, he just gat a very catchy melodi=)


- True :P

01:48:38 May 17th 09 - Mr. Danygraig:

the contest will be nothing but political bs i think its a waste of time and money for the effort that goes in, the best part i seen was the women bouncing sliding and messing around on that suspended perplex stage wow that did the euro contest for me i think that should have won :P

11:35:16 May 17th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

How did Belgium do Mielo?
Oh thats right, they got 1 point in the semi-final :(

Ez, she can sing, but the song was *beep*. Oh yeah she CAN sing.

Of course there was still political voting, in some cases it was obvious! *cough some countries voting for Russia that is cough*

11:38:54 May 17th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

i liked romania
sooo hot!
Norway was very good too
but the crazy water show had got to be the best thing there

11:40:54 May 17th 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

I'd of Lol'ed if that Water show would have snapped

Best remembered Euro Vision fo sho

12:33:53 May 17th 09 - Prince Mielo:

Lady Loud Tone


11:35:16 May 17th 09 How did Belgium do Mielo?
Oh thats right, they got 1 point in the semi-final :(

Ez, she can sing, but the song was *beep*. Oh yeah she CAN sing.

Of course there was still political voting, in some cases it was obvious! *cough some countries voting for Russia that is cough*

> Do you even read the crap I say? ... If you did then you saw I was talking about she being Belgian ... not how the french-tard-half-of-Belgium screw up our chances again :)

13:06:40 May 17th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

yeah, *beep* wallons!

anyways... turkey should've won... as she was belgian..

13:51:10 May 17th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Then maybe you Belgians should of chose her, not the half-belgian.

Maybe then you could of had 2 points!

16:53:36 May 18th 09 - Mr. Slobodan Mielosovic:

who the *beep* watches eurovision you queers

08:32:40 May 19th 09 - Duchess Illidan:

Wtf is it??

09:51:22 May 19th 09 - Mr. Angel of Pure:

it is like a singing comp for all europe countries 1 person for each country i live in australia so i dont know to much about it but i watched it on tv i like norway and turkey there was another really gud 1 but i 4get wat 1 :(

09:54:32 May 19th 09 - Mr. Angel of Pure:

Mr. Slobodan Mielosovic


01:53:36 May 19th 09 who the *beep* watches eurovision you queers

like millions of ppl :P i heard like more then half of wurope watchs it :O

09:58:04 May 19th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

it was actually around one billion people that watched it^^

10:14:47 May 19th 09 - Mr. Angel of Pure:

yer loads :P

16:14:54 May 19th 09 - Mr. Slobodan Mielosovic:

yeah. like 1 in 6 people in the world watches eurovision. imagine all those africans watching it.


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